Providing lunch for the Special Needs Children to bring their eatin. . .
Inculcating the environmental concern among the school children and. . .
Providing cancer medicines and supplies to affected patients
Providing essential medicines and treatment support for underprivil. . .
Diwali celebration with the Children and elders of the Home for Des. . .
Distributed Diwali dresses to all the housekeeping staff and garden. . .
Participated with the RID 3234 in the public awareness program agai. . .
Distribution of dresses for Diwali to the destitute women and dest. . .
Teachers Day was celebrated in an energetic and enthusiastic manner. . .
The Special Needs Children at SWATHA were also given the importance. . .
Eye camp for the children of Govt ADW HSS, Thaiyur - auto refractio. . .
Dental camp for the children of Govt Madarasa I Azam - dental check. . .
RCCU supported the the 4thc cycle chemotherapy of Mr. B. Deivasigam. . .
Donated a motorized wheel chair with manual option, 360 maneuvarabl. . .
The first lady of the Club celebrated her Birthday with the nursery. . .
Dental camp in Govt ADW Hr. Sec School, Thaiyur
Premature babies born with defective retina, are treated with lasi. . .
Providing lunch for the Special Needs Children to bring their eati. . .
Lunch for Special Needs Children
Lunch for special Needs Children
Distribution of 70 fruit packets to the old age home inmates and t. . .
Providing Lunch for Special needs Children
Tree plantation ( Native varieties for saline ambience) along the B. . .
Lunch for special needs children
Lunch for Special needs Children
Providing Lunch for Special needs children
Providing lunch for special needs children
Lunch for special needs Children
Providing essential medicines for underprivileged seniors
Provisioin of Lunch for the Special needs Children
Providing Lunch for the Special needs Children
Providing Lunch for Special Needs Children